Pressure and water can go a long way to renew your space

These customers would have been wise to have us or another contractor provide regular maintenance of their outdoor areas to avoid such a large build up of algae and acid rain. We were able to make their spaces look as good as new and fresh but at a higher cost. Plan power washing as a regular annual maintenance item so that you can enjoy your outdoor spaces free of nasty allergans and unsightly dirt.  There is no reason to feel like you are in the rainforest on your own back deck or patio. Team Hallco can help you get freshened up.

What a journey our first year has been…

It is hard to believe that we are celebrating a year in business. It has been quite a ride. We have made new friends and hired new team members. Our customer base is growing and diversifying. We have gotten back to our roots in providing specialty services such as floor cleaning and floor finishing. We have re-established our consulting business and we are incredibly excited about the future ahead. We would encourage you to keep it local and choose vendors that live and play where you do. From our family to yours, we wish you the happiest of holidays and the merriest of Christmas’.

Twas the week before Christmas…how do I keep a clean house?

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house, no germs or bacteria were stirring thanks to my spouse…

With all of the extra activity that the holidays can bring it can be a challenge to keep a clean and healthy house. We have a few tips for a smooth celebration.


Clean Windows

You ran out of time and didn’t get a professional in to clean those windows before the big party. Don’t fret, there is a quick and easy way to make sure your windows that your guests will see sparkle and are streak free.
You will need the following:

1 Tablespoon of Dawn dish detergent (brand matters here and don’t fret if you get too much)

3 Lint free towels (surgical towels are best or try terry cloth for the cleaning and microfiber for the drying)

1 Kitchen sink and warm water

Place the stopper in your sink and then add the dawn and fill with a couple of inches of warm to hot water.
Take towel (terry or surgical work best here) and soak it in the soapy water, wringing it to almost dripping.
Wipe your window corner to corner and side to side making sure to wet and wipe the entire window. The take a dry towel and wipe in the same fashion corner to corner, side to side and top to bottom. Use your driest towel next to buff any moisture from the window.  Repeat for the exterior of the window and you will have a sparkling streak free window cleaned like a pro. The warm soapy water cuts through grease and grime as well as build up from ammoniated cleaners.(using pre-mixed window cleaners is a big reason you have smeared or hazy looking glass when you finish) Another tidbit is that you should never use an ammoniated cleaner on a mirror. The ammonia reacts chemically with the slate on the back of the mirror and causes that mirror fog over time that cannot be removed.


Reducing the Germs!

One sure fire way that your home will be invaded by viruses and icky germs is places that people touch. I know…I know, everyone washes their hands like they should. YEAH RIGHT! Door knobs and counters are big touch areas that harbor a ton of germs and bacteria (so are those handheld personal communication devices- a typical gas station toilet has less fecal matter when tested than your cell phone!- more on that at another time)

Disinfect like a pro using these simple instructions.

You will need:

1 Bottle of Disinfectant suitable for all surfaces (get something that does not require rinsing)

1 Clean towel (can be any towel but we prefer microfiber for this or surgical towels– surgical towels are economical and last forever and can be purchased at your local janitorial supply house or online)

1 That sink full of Dawn from your windows

Using your towel and the mixture of Dawn that is still in your sink from the windows, wipe those surfaces free of dirt and grime.

Spray your disinfectant directly (liberally) on the surfaces that you want to disinfect (I hit every door knob in the house) use your towel to catch any overspray or dripping. Foam disinfectants work well but some must be rinsed and they are much more expensive. The key to total kill and disinfecting like a pro is to let the cleaner air dry. (Most all disinfectants require 10 minutes of dwell time to effectively kill all germs.)

As soon as folks leave for the day…repeat to kill all of those germs they brought with them.

*The most germ laden item in your home (besides your cell phone) is the remote for the tv. Take your clean towel and soak it with the disinfectant and wipe that puppy down allowing to air dry and you will be germ free!

Soil Free Carpets

All those merry drinks and messy appetizers somehow find their way to the carpets.  We have always told people that the difference between a spot and a stain can be 24 hours.  A little preparation and you can save yourself a lot of money and time picking out new carpet while still enjoying the festive event.

What you will need:

1 Large terry or cotton towel

1 Bottle of carpet cleaner or spotter ( there are numerous to choose from and we would only recommend that you choose a cleaner designed for most general spots) you can stop by your local janitorial supply store and but spotters that the pros use and this includes specific cleaners for tanins and grease and bio spills. Otherwise a pretty inexpensive cleaner that we have used for the past 20 years that does a good job on most spills can be found at Walmart for about $4 (Tuff Stuff foaming cleaner- you will find it in the automotive aisles most of the time)


Keep this bottle of cleaner and towel somewhere out of the way but easily accessible. Depending on who your guests are, you can let them know that you have something available for any accidental spills so that they know you are prepared and won’t likely be seeking their head on a platter (this can be crucial to that 24 hour rule—you want folks to tell you or even better clean up after their own mess)

As soon as you spot a spill, attack it with the clean towel to absorb the liquid. Then, spray the cleaner on and let it sit for 30 seconds or so and using clean sections of the towel blot the stain applying pressure to lift the soil and transfer it to the towel.  This may take care of it totally or it may set it up nicely for the next day or so when you can get a carpet cleaner out there to finish the job.

It has been our experience that adults make much more mess at parties than kids do. Plan accordingly and have a Merry and Clean Christmas!

Cold and Flu Season is Here!

The best way to combat cold and flu and other easily transferred illness is to wash your hands. Wash them thoroughly and wash them often.